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AgencyGate: Connecting Agents and Carriers to Streamline Policy Issuance

Move your agents beyond antiquated policy issuance systems like PPS/Documaker and empower them to conduct business more efficiently and securely in the cloud.

Cost Savings

Subscription-based to scale with your business, elimination of IT overhead required to manage policy issuance infrastructure.


Better Time-to-Market

80% reduction in time-to-market through immediate access to the latest editions of ISO forms and endorsements.


Reduce Errors/Omissions

Virtual elimination of errors & omissions by enabling rating/admin integration and reducing manual keystrokes.


Benefits of SaaS

Full benefits of SaaS include scalability, better integration, rapid deployment, better security, and lower costs.

Key Capabilities

  • Document publishing in the cloud with secure access to forms, work-in-process, and import features.
  • Immediate access to new form editions once approved and distributed by the company.
  • WYSIWYG manual data-capture capabilities.
  • Work-in-process (WIP) capabilities to save partially complete policy documents for later and routing.
  • Support for required fields, state stamps & signatures.
  • Manual or automated data-import capabilities (Docucorp V2, XML, other formats).
  • PDF, XML document generation and delivery.
  • All recipient publishing options.
  • Easy migration for PPS/Documaker forms and resources, other non-Docucorp forms systems.
  • No library maintenance is required by the agencies & producers.

Migrating from PPS/Documaker

AgencyGate is enabled for MigrationXpress, a state-of-the-art SaaS solution for converting legacy policy documents to modern CCM platforms. MigrationXpress is designed to reduce costs and improve the accuracy and deployment timelines of legacy CCM migrations. 

MigrationXpress effectively removes the traditional barriers to conversion that often plague policy document conversions, and it opens the door for a quick and efficient migration from systems like PPS/Documaker to AgencyGate powered by GhostDraft.

Built by DocVentive

Recognizing the myriad of policy issuance challenges that continue to inhibit agencies and carriers from working efficiently together, DocVentive leveraged years of product development experience within the Surplus Lines insurance space to build AgencyGate with the primary objective of streamlining the policy issuance workflows. As a SaaS offering powered by GhostDraft, AgencyGate addresses many of the historical problems that have plagued policy issuance workflows while delivering a solution that revolutionizes how agents can work with carriers to produce insurance policy documents.

GhostDraft ISO

Trusted by 100+ Insurance Carriers


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